t10 - t11 healing guide for SCHs and WHM

t10 - t11 guide for WHM and SCHs

t10 - 11 is a whole new ball game for not just the healers, but everyone else just as well. Your raid awareness, rotations, gear, all play a role in this. It is highly advised that SCHs just as well, keep an eye on the debuff bars of the party members. Try not to rely on your raid leader/party member calling out all the time, and make it a habit to look on all party member's debuffs. This will help you out in the long run for future turns.

t10  aka Turn 1

I realized during both wild charge and tether, there IS time to heal affiliated parties affected beforehand.The trick to this is anticipating (honestly this applies for all turns) the skill-sets of the boss. SCH's, it's best to aquilodium or better yet succor before teach tether or wild charge so the barrier helps to soak the damage. To me, it doesn't make much sense when you succor thereafter unless you're afraid of the circles on the floor killing off your party members. Note that after every tether, there is a 5 sec interval before Imughud does a wild charge. Time your heals wisely, and most importantly ensure that all members of the team are at their full health. Same applies to WHMs.

Based on experience I realized that most SCHs can't seem to aquilodium in time for prey. What is prey you may ask? It's that red colour icon ontop of the character head. Looks somewhat like this :

credits to FFXIVguild for the image

Aquilodium is fast enough to heal double prey. I have encountered SCHs who cheekily tell me that they can't seem to do it.

That. Is. Improbable.

Only unless if you are encountering lag or graphic card issues, there is no damned way you cannot miss double prey. You are just not paying enough attention and you aren't fast enough, I'm sorry to say this. Please do not ask the WHM to Stoneskin preferably. SS takes up way too much time which I'd much rather spent it on healing the tanks. But if you really require your other healer to do so, it is highly advisable that the WHM utilizes presence of mind during double prey phases to ensure quick coverage of the prey.

There are 3 ways to combat prey. Note that before the raid starts, have a quick discussion with your WHM or SCH and let each other know who will cover either from the top or bottom of the raid list. This is to prevent future misunderstandings that might occur. Moving on, here are the 3 methods :

1. Whm stoneskins, SCH aquilodiums.
2. SCH aquilodiums double prey
3.  I don't like this WHM stoneskins, swiftcast and stoneskins again / SCH aquilodiums, swiftcast aquilodium

There is an unproven theory ( sorry haven't done much research ) that succor and EOS's fey illumination = aquilodium for all members. Feel free to risk it though. I think it's quite interesting.WHMs if you ever feel that you are in a pinch, always have a swiftcast on ready should you feel that you can't heal on time. Divine seal + medica II should do the trick of healing all members to max health. Also...

Cure iii or Medica ii?

This debate can go on and on, but only use Cure iii if you are confident you can time it well. The moment Imughud is halfway casting wild charge, use cure iii. If you are unable to, Medica ii will do it.

t11 aka turn 2 

Highly advised that whm utilizes either divine seal or presence of mind for the double tank strategy. The damage caused is insane, around 5k or more as told by my WAR/PLD. Be prepared to group heal during seed or fire damage. Advisable that SCHs pitch in and help by using succor as well.

During the adds phase, it's best that SCH also utilizes succor so there's less stress on the WHM. Should your tank be too far away, tell him/her to tank slightly closer to the inner ring of the boss so that your heals may reach him/her. Once you reach the "egg", remember to succor as the WHM should be stoneskinning everyone during this phase. Everyone still takes damage during this and the transition to the tether phase is quite fast, thus succor is needed.

Hope these tips help!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.